Notes Concerning ISAAC Phase Three Data

This page provides descriptions of the variables included in the 'Study Information' sections of the data. The variables are listed in the order they appear in the display of data.

For more information concerning the variables included in the written and video questionnaires please consult the Coding and Data Transfer section of the Phase Three Manual.

The ISAAC ID is the code number assigned by the ISAAC International Data Centre (IIDC) to the centre. It is formed by joining the country and centre codes.
The country in which the study was carried out.
The region in which the study was carried out. The regions are based on the World Health Organisation regions.
Principal Investigator
The person responsible for completing the ISAAC Phase Three study.
Sampling Frame
The definition of the population of schools that were eligible to be selected for participation in the ISAAC Phase Three study. Sampling frames are specified for both age groups if appropriate.
Selection of Schools
Whether the schools participating in the ISAAC Phase Three study were selected using a random method or another method (method used).
Child Selection Method
Centres used two methods of selecting children: All children in a school who were the appropriate ages were surveyed; or class groups with a majority of children in the appropriate ages were surveyed (Age Group or grade/level/year).
All Schools?
Whether or not all schools within the sampling frame were selected (Yes or No).
Excluded Schools?
Whether any schools were excluded from the sampling frame (Yes or No).
Reason for Exclusion
The reasons why schools (if any) were excluded.
Rejected Schools?
Whether any schools within the sampling frame were rejected as unsuitable (Yes or No).
Reason for Rejection
The reasons why schools (if any) were rejected
Number of Rejected Schools
The number of schools within the sampling frame that were rejected as unsuitable.
Children in Rejected schools
The total number of children in the rejected schools (if any).
Number of Schools in Sampling Frame
The total number of schools (for this age group) in the selected sampling frame.
Number of Children in Sampling Frame
The total number of children (for this age group) that were in the schools in the sampling frame.
Participant Schools
The number of schools that participated in the ISAAC Phase Three study.
Children in Participant Schools
The number of children in these schools.
Participation Rate
The percentage of schools that were asked to participate that agreed.
Response Rate
The percentage of elegible children who participated.
Data checking Method
Whether double entry or another method was used to enter the data onto computer (Double Entry or method used).
Environmental Questionnaire
Whether or not the centre included the Environmental Questionnaire (Yes or No).
Whether any translations from English language of the ISAAC Phase Three Questionnaires were used by the centre (Yes or No).
Language(s) Used
The languages used by the centre.
Back Translation
Whether the translated questionnaires were back-translated into English by an independent translator to validate the translation (Yes, No, Not Applicable).
Pilot Tested
Whether the translated questionnaires were pilot tested prior to the ISAAC study (Yes, No, Not Applicable).
Whether the centre undertook the video questionnaire (Yes or No).
Approximate dates that the study was carried out. Please note that these dates are only indicative, small amounts of data may have been collected before or after the date range presented.
Any comments regarding the ISAAC Phase Three study.