Phase One Centres and Principal Investigators in Northern and Eastern Europe

Click on a dot to highlight the centre name.
Albania |
A Priftanji; Allergy Clinic, University Hospital |
Estonia |
M-A Riikjärv; Tallinn Children's Hospital |
M-A Riikjärv; Tallinn Children's Hospital |
Finland |
M Kajosaari; Helsinki University Central Hospital |
J Pekkanen; Department of Environmental Epidemiology, National Public Health Institute |
L Soininen; Provincial Administrative Board of Lappland |
TA Koivikko; Turku University Central Hospital |
Georgia |
N Khetsuriani; USA Center for Disease Control and Prevention Project in Georgia |
A Gamkrelidze; Department of Allergology, Tbilisi Medical University |
Latvia |
M Leja; Latvia Medical Academy, Human Ecology Institute |
M Leja; Latvia Medical Academy, Human Ecology Institute |
Lithuania |
J Kudzyte, Clinic of Children's Diseases, Kaunas Medical University |
Poland |
G Lis; 1st Dept. of Pediatrics, Polish-American Children's Hospital |
A Brêborowicz; Dept. of Pediatric Pulmonology, University of Medical Sciences |
Romania |
D Dumitrascu; Allergy Department, University Medicine and Pharmacology |
Russia |
R Khaitov; Institute of Immunology, National Research Center |
E G Kondiourina, Pediatric Department, Novosibirsk State Medical Academy |
Sweden |
N-I Kjellman; Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital |
T Foucard; Department of Paediatrics: Child and Youth Health, Uppsala University Children's Hospital |
Ukraine |
V Ognev; Department of Social Medicine, Organization and Economics of Public Health, Kharkov State Medical University |
Uzbekistan |
T Aripova; Institute of Immunology, Uzbek Ministry of Public Health |
T Aripova; Institute of Immunology, Uzbek Ministry of Public Health |