Phase One Centres and Principal Investigators in Indian Sub-Continent
Click on a dot to highlight the centre name.
India |
R Maheshwari; Bhartia Municipal Hospital |
MK Joshi; K.B. Bhabha Hospital |
UA Pai; Pediatrician |
K Raghaven; L.T.M. Medical College |
VA Khatav; Dr Khatav's Mother & Child Hospital |
L Kumar; Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research |
KC Jain; Pioneer Medical Centre |
TU Sukumaran; Institute of Child Health Medical College |
S Rajajee; The Childs Trust Hospital |
N Somu; Institute of Child Health |
K Chopra; Maulana Azad Medical College |
G Jayaraj; Occupational Health, Neyveli Lignite Corporation Hospital |
PK Kar; Ispat Hospital |
NM Hanumante; Consulting Pediatrician, 'Happy Clinic' |