ISAAC Steering Committee 2010
- Professor Javier Mallol
- Professor Ed Mitchell
- Professor Stephen Montefort
- Professor Neil Pearce
- Professor Colin F Robertson
- Mr Alistair Stewart
- Professor David Strachan
- Professor Dr. med. Erika von Mutius
- Dr Gudrun Weinmayr
- Professor Hywel Williams
- Professor Gary Wong
- In Memoriam of Professor Dr med Stephan Weiland
- In Memoriam of Dr Joseph A. Odhiambo
- Professor Nadia Aït-Khaled
- Professor Ross Anderson
- Professor Innes Asher
- Professor Richard Beasley
- Professor Bengt Björkstén
- Professor Bert Brunekreef
- Professor Julian Crane
- Mrs Philippa Ellwood
- Dr Carsten Flohr
- Dr Sunia Foliaki
- Dr Francesco Forastiere
- Professor Luis García-Marcos
- Professor Dr med Ulrich Keil
- Dr Chris Lai
Professor Nadia Aït-Khaled
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Regional Coordinator for French-speaking Africa
Professor Aït-Khaled was previously Professor and Head of Department of Pneumology and Functional Respiratory Exploration in Algeria, and is currently the Chief of the Asthma Division and Chair of the Scientific Committee of Respiratory Diseases of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD).
Professor Aït-Khaled's research interests include implementation of projects for lung health, integration with tuberculosis control, standardised case management both for asthma patients and for the main prevalent respiratory diseases, tobacco control and pollution in middle- or low-income countries.

Union Internationale Contre la Tuberculose et les Maladies Respiratoires
68, Boulevard Saint-Michel
75006 Paris
Phone: +33 1 4432 0369
Fax: +33 1 4329 9087
Professor Ross Anderson
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- National Coordinator for the United Kingdom
- Phase One principal investigator for Anglia and Oxford, Northeast and Yorkshire, North Thames, North West, South and West, South Thames, Scotland, Trent, Wales, West Midlands
Ross Anderson is professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at St Georges Hospital Medical School and is Head of the Department of Public Health.
Professor Anderson's research interests include respiratory epidemiology, especially asthma, and the health effects of air pollution.

Division of Community Health Sciences
St George's
University of London
Cranmer Terrace
London SW17 0RE
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 20 8725 5424
Fax: +44 20 8725 3584
Professor Innes Asher
- Chairperson of the ISAAC Steering Committee
- Chairperson of the ISAAC Executive
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Director, ISAAC International Data Centre
- National Coordinator for New Zealand
- Phase One Principal Investigator for Auckland
Professor Asher is head of the Department of Paediatrics: Child and Youth Health at the University of Auckland and a Consultant Paediatrician at the Starship Children's Hospital, Auckland.
Professor Asher's current research interests include asthma epidemiology, bronchiectasis, inhaler devices and poverty and child health.

Department of Paediatrics: Child and Youth Health
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 x 86451
Fax: +64 9 373 7602
Professor Richard Beasley
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Phase One Coordinator
- Phase Three Coordinator
Richard Beasley is Director of the Medical Research Institute of New Zealand and Visiting Professor at the University of Southampton, United Kingdom.
Professor Beasley's research interests are in the field of asthma include management and epidemiology.

Medical Research Institute of New Zealand
PO Box 10055
3rd Floor
99 The Terrace
New Zealand
Phone: +64 4 472 9199
Fax: +64 4 472 9224
Professor Bengt Björkstén
- ISAAC Executive
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Regional Coordinator for Northern and Eastern Europe
- National Coordinator for Sweden
Bengt Björkstén is Professor of Paediatrics and Allergy Prevention and Director of the Centre for Allergy Research at the Karolinksa Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden and adjunct professor at Tartu University, Estonia.
Professor Björkstén's research interests include the development of immune responses to allergens in relation to genetic factors. Particular interest is devoted to the influence of environmental factors on this process. Professor Björkstén is also actively involved in cross-sectional and prospective epidemiological studies of childhood allergy in Eastern and Northern Europe.

National Institute of Environmental Medicine /IMM
Division of Respiratory Physiology
Karolinska Institutet
PO Box 287
Stockholm SE-17 177
Phone: +46 8 5248 6956
Professor Bert Brunekreef
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Phase Two principal investigator for The Netherlands
- Member of the steering committee of the EU funded ISAAC Phase II study (coordinator Stephan Weiland)
Bert Brunekreef is professor of Environmental Epidemiology at and director of the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences at Utrecht University, the Netherlands.
Professor Brunekreef has a research interest in the role of environmental factors causing or aggravating allergic disease.

Institute of Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS)
Universiteit Utrecht
P.O. Box 80176
NL-3508 TD
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 30 253 5400
Professor Julian Crane
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Phase One Principal Investigator for Wellington
Professor Crane is HRC Principal Research Fellow at the Wellington Asthma Research Group, Wellington School of Medicine.
Professor Crane's research interests include asthma epidemiology, asthma treatment and asthma management.

Wellington Asthma Research Group
Department of Medicine
Wellington School of Medicine
University of Otago, Wellington
PO Box 7343
Wellington South
New Zealand
Phone: +64 4 385 5999 x 5258
Fax: +64 4 389 5725
Mrs Philippa Ellwood
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- ISAAC International Data Centre
Mrs Ellwood is the Senior Project Manager at the ISAAC International Data Centre and is responsible for international and national coordination of Phase One and Phase Three.

Department of Paediatrics: Child and Youth Health
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 x 86451
Fax: +64 9 373 7602
Dr Carsten Flohr
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Phase Two Publications Committee
Dr Flohr has trained in Paediatrics and Dermatology and also has an MSc in Epidemiology. He is Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Paediatric Dermatology at the Department of Paediatric Allergy & Dermatology, St Thomas’ Hospital and King’s College London. Carsten’s main research area is the epidemiology of childhood eczema, but he has a keen interest in allergic disease beyond the skin. For instance, Carsten recently spent three years working on helminth-allergy links based at the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Vietnam.

NIHR Clinician Scientist Senior Lecturer &
Honorary Consultant Paediatric Dermatologist
Department of Paediatric Allergy & Dermatology
St John’s Institute of Dermatology
St Thomas’ Hospital
London, SE1 7EH,
United Kingdom
Dr Sunia Foliaki
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Regional Coordinator for Oceania
For the past eight years Sunia has been based at the Ministry of Health in his native home Nuku'alofa, Kingdom of Tonga. He has now been awarded a two-year Wellcome Trust Fellowship and will be based with Neil Pearce at the Centre for Public Health Research at Massey University in Wellington, New Zealand.

Research Unit
Ministry of Health
PO Box 59
Kingdom of Tonga
Dr Francesco Forastiere
- ISAAC Steering Committee
Dr Francesco Forastiere is a medical doctor with a long professional experience in epidemiology. He is head of a regional center dedicated to environmental epidemiology.
Dr Forastiere's research interests include environmental epidemiology, especially asthma and COPD, and the health effects of air pollution.

Department of Epidemiology,
Rome Environmental Health Authority,
Via Santa Costanza 53,
00198 Rome,
Phone: +39 06 83060484
Fax: +39 06 83060463
Professor Luis García-Marcos
- ISAAC Executive
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- National Coordinator for Spain
Luis García-Marcos is Professor of Paediatrics and Director of the Institute of Respiratory Health at the University of Murcia. Professor García-Marcos' research interests include asthma epidemiology and genetics as well as inflammatory markers in exhaled breath condensate.

Paediatric Allergy and Pulmonology Units
Virgen de la Arrixaca University Children's Hospital
University of Murcia
Pabellón Docente HUVA
Campus Ciencias de la Salud
30120 El Palmar
Phone: +34 968 398 129
Fax: +34 968 398 127
Professor Dr med Ulrich Keil
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Regional Coordinator for Western Europe
- National Coordinator for Germany
- Principal Investigator for Münster
Professor Keil is Chair of the Institute for Epidemiology and Social Medicine at the University of Münster and has previously held senior research positions at the University of North Carolina and Ruhr University Bochum. Professor Keil has also served as advisor to national and international scientific councils including the World Health Organisation (WHO), the German Research Board, the Science Advisory Board of Germany and the BIOMED programs of the European Union.
Professor Keil's research interests include the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases, the epidemiology of respiratory disease and occupational epidemiology.

Institut für Epidemiologie und Sozialmedizin
Westfälische Wilhelms Universität
Domagkstrasse 3
Münster D-48129
Phone: +49 251 835 5396
Fax: +49 251 835 5300
Dr Chris Lai
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Regional Coordinator for Asia-Pacific
- Phase One Principal Investigator for Hong Kong 13-14 year age group
Dr Lai is Adjunct Professor at the Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Dr Lai's research interests include asthma epidemiology and pharmacology.

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Room 1403, Takshing House
20 Des Voeux Road Central
Hong Kong
SAR China
Phone: +852 2 899 0822
Fax: +852 2 899 0822
Professor Javier Mallol
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Regional Coordinator for Latin America
Professor Mallol is Professor of Pediatric and Director of the Department of Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, Hospital CRS El Pino, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Santiago de Chile (USACH).
Professor Mallol's research interests are pulmonary function in infants and children, recurrent wheezing in infants, asthma prevalence and treatment, and aerosol therapy.

Department of Pediatric and Respiratory Medicine
Hospital CRS El Pino
University of Santiago de Chile (USACH)
Ave. Los Morros 13568
Phone: +56 2 331 0254
Fax: +56 2 331 0375
Professor Ed Mitchell
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- ISAAC International Data Centre
Ed Mitchell is Professor of Child Health Research at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Professor Mitchell's research interests include the epidemiology of asthma, sudden infant death syndrome and low birthweight.

Department of Paediatrics: Child and Youth Health
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 x 86431
Fax: +64 9 373 7486
Professor Stephen Montefort
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Regional Coordinator for Eastern Mediterranean
- Principal Investigator for Malta
Professor Stephen Montefort is a consultant respiratory physician at St. Luke's Hospital, Malta and a lecturer in Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Malta.
Professor Montefort's research interests include respiratory epidemiology and asthma pathophysiology.

Department of Medicine
University of Malta
MSD 2080 Malta
Phone: +356 435 402
Fax: +356 482 800
In Memoriam of Dr Joseph A Odhiambo
1954 – 27 October 2012
Dr. Joseph Odhiambo joined the ISAAC Steering Committee in 1999 following on from his position of Principal Investigator for ISAAC Phase One in Nairobi and was also Regional Coordinator for the ISAAC English speaking Africa region, and Principal Investigator for ISAAC Phase One in Nairobi. His death will be a huge loss to both his home country and the international community.
He was a board certified internist and specialist in respiratory diseases, serving previously as senior medical officer, and regional consultant physician (Provincial Physician) at the Rift Valley Provincial General Hospital in Nakuru, Kenya and as guest lecturer on respiratory medicine for both under-graduates and post-graduate medical students at the University of Nairobi, Kenyatta National Hospital. He worked for more than 2 decades in medical research, serving as senior medical research officer at the Centre for Respiratory Disease Research (CRDR) at Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) where he rose through the ranks to position of principal research officer & director, CRDR. During his tenure as centre director, he offered leadership to over 50 members of staff (technical, administrative and support staff) and was responsible to the KEMRI director for the conduct of research in priority lung diseases in Kenya, which witnessed remarkable growth in research capacity and out-put. He also served as the senior technical advisor on TB/HIV for the CDC/GAP program (US Centres for Disease Control & Prevention-Kenya / Global AIDS Program) and as Chair of the National TB/HIV steering committee at the Ministries of Health headquarters in Kenya since 2004, and member of the Tuberculosis Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee (TB-ICC) for the Kenyan Ministry of Health.
Joseph was an enthusiastic member of the ISAAC programme and his scientific and personal contributions to ISAAC will long be remembered. He was a humble and gentle man with a delightful sense of humour and was held in high regard by all members of the Steering Committee. In November 2003 he hosted the highly successful Fourteenth ISAAC Steering Committee meeting at Lake Naivasha Country Club in Kenya, where he introduced the members to his country and acted as a wonderful ambassador. We last spent time with him when he came to Auckland in January 2011 for the last ISAAC Steering Committee meeting (see photo) and ISAAC symposium. Joseph was a much loved friend and colleague of the ISAAC community. He will be greatly missed by us all.
The ISAAC Steering Committee

Professor Neil Pearce
- ISAAC Executive
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Chairperson of the Data and Publications Sub-committee
- Phase Three Principal Investigator for Wellington
Professor Pearce's research interests include epidemiologic methods, asthma epidemiology, occupational, epidemiology, cancer epidemiology and social epidemiology.

Department of Medical Statistics
Faculty of Epidemiology and Public Health
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Keppel Street
London WC1E 7HT
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)20 7636 8636 x8151
Fax: +44 (0)20 7436 5389
Professor Colin F Robertson
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- National Coordinator for Australia
- Principal Investigator for Melbourne
Professor Robertson is the Director of Respiratory Medicine at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne, Australia.
Professor Robertson's research interests include the epidemiology of asthma, respiratory physiology, cystic fibrosis and clinical trials in a range of paediatric respiratory conditions.

Department of Respiratory Medicine
Royal Children's Hospital
Flemington Road
Parkville, VIC 3052
Phone: +61 3 9345 5818
Fax: +61 3 9349 1289
Mr Alistair Stewart
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- ISAAC International Data Centre
Alistair Stewart is a biostatistician in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at the University of Auckland with a position of Senior Research Fellow.
Mr Stewart provides a biostatistical consulting service to researchers in the Faculty and beyond and by doing so is involved in a wide range of research projects. His interests are in the application of statistical methods to data arising from epidemiological and other studies.

School of Population Health
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 373 7599 x 86362
Fax: +64 9 373 7503
Professor David Strachan
- ISAAC Executive
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Phase Two Coordinator
- Principal Investigator for Surrey/Sussex
Professor Strachan is professor of epidemiology at St Georges Hospital Medical School, London, UK.
Professor Strachan's research interests include the natural history of respiratory disease from early childhood to adult life, time trends in asthma and allergy, and environmental influences on respiratory and allergic disease, including indoor air quality, aeroallergens and outdoor air pollution. Recently Professor Strachan has also been involved in studies of chronic infections and cardiovascular disease.

Division of Community Health Sciences
St George's
University of London
Cranmer Terrace
London SW17 0RE
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 20 8725 5429
Fax: +44 20 8725 3584
Professor Dr. med. Erika von Mutius
- ISAAC Steering Committee
Dr Erika von Mutius is Professor of Pediatrics at Munich University Children's Hospital and Head of the Outpatient Clinic for Asthma and Allergy.
Professor von Mutius' research interests include the epidemiology of childhood asthma and allergies with a focus on environmental predictors and gene-environment interactions.

Dr. von Haunersches Kinderspital
Lindwurmstrasse 4
D 80337 München
Phone: +49 89 5160 2709
Fax: +49 89 5160 4452
Dr Gudrun Weinmayr
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Director, Phase Two Data Centre
Gudrun Weinmayr is an epidemiologist and research fellow at the Institute of Epidemiology at Ulm University.
Dr Weinmayr's research interests are in Epidemiology of childhood asthma and rhinitis, and the health effects of air pollution.

Institute of Epidemiology
Ulm University
Helmholtzstr. 22
89081 Ulm
Phone: +49 731 50 31071
Fax: +49 731 50 31069
Professor Hywel Williams
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Dermato-Epidemiologist with an interest in childhood eczema
Professor Williams is Foundation Professor of Dermato-Epidemiology at the University of Nottingham where he directs the Centre of Evidence-Based Dermatology ( There, he works as coordinating editor of the Cochrane Skin Group, chairs the Comprehensive Clinical Research Network dermatology specialty group, and the UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network . He is clinical lead for the UK Skin Disorders National Library for Health and works as an honorary clinical dermatology consultant at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. Professor Williams is an NIHR senior investigator and past director and founder of the University of Nottingham Clinical Trials Support Unit. He has now been appointed the new Chair of the NIHR Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Commissioning Board and Deputy Director of the HTA Programme.
Professor Williams' research interests include the causes and treatment of childhood eczema and evidence-based medicine applied to skin disorders.

Centre for Evidence-based Dermatology
Nottingham University Hospital's Queen's Medical Centre Campus
Nottingham NG7 2NR
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 115 823 1048
Fax: +44 115 823 1046
Professor Gary Wong
- ISAAC Steering Committee
- Phase Three Principal Investigator for Hong Kong
Gary Wong is Professor at the Department of Paediatrics: Child and Youth Health and School of Public Health of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He completed his medical and fellowship training in Canada and Germany.
Professor Wong’s research interests include epidemiology of atopic disorders, non-invasive monitoring of asthma, and gene-environment interaction of asthma. He is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the Global Initiative For Asthma (GINA).

Department of Paediatrics: Child and Youth Health
Prince of Wales Hospital
Shatin, NT
Hong Kong
SAR China
Phone: +852 2632 2981
Fax: +852 2636 0020
In Memoriam of Professor Dr med Stephan Weiland
Professor Dr Med Stephan KM Weiland, 25 December 1958 to 19 March 2007. Professor of Epidemiology, Head of the Institute of Epidemiology, University of Ulm, Coordinator of Phase Two of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) and Executive member of the ISAAC Steering Committee.
Stephan, our much loved friend and colleague, died suddenly and unexpectedly on the 19th March this year. Stephan was one of the founding members of ISAAC and made an enormous contribution to the scientific development of the study through his long service on the ISAAC Executive and as Phase Two Coordinator. Indeed, without Stephan’s leadership, stamina and diplomatic skills, there would probably have been no ISAAC Phase Two. Above all, he cared about people and dedicated his life to health prevention and health promotion, especially asthma and allergies in children.
Stephan was born and grew up in North-West Germany. He went to medical school in Cologne (1978-1985) and obtained his MD degree in 1987. During this time he became interested in the prevention of disease at a population level. This took him to McGill University in Montreal where he graduated in 1989 with a Masters degree in Epidemiology. He then joined the University of Bochum as assistant professor where he developed an interest in environmental and occupational epidemiology. He was a key individual in the archetypal studies that uncovered unexpected differences in the prevalence of asthma between Western Germany and the recently liberated and heavily polluted East. He moved with Professor Ulrich Keil’s department to Münster in 1993, and four years later was promoted to Associate Professor. In 2002, Stephan moved to Ulm, in southern Germany, to take up the Chair of Epidemiology and set up a new Institute of Epidemiology. This took him closer to the mountains which he had loved since he was a young boy. He was an active hiker, climber and skier and enjoyed these outdoor activities whenever he was able to escape from his heavy workload and responsibilities.
Stephan was an outstanding unit director, an internationally respected scientist and an integral member of the ISAAC Steering Committee. Stephan promoted the idea that the ISAAC partnership should be used to investigate specific factors predisposing to asthma, and led the formation of ISAAC Phase Two with that aim. His coordination of 33 ISAAC Phase Two centres in 22 countries and his leadership of a successful application to European Union Fifth Framework Programme led to the establishment of the ISAAC Phase Two Data Centre in Ulm under his direction. Shortly before he died, Stephan received the good news that the first of a series of papers from Phase Two had been accepted for publication, showing how the relationship between atopy and asthma differs between centres in affluent and less affluent countries. A number of papers will follow, due to the research momentum he has established in Ulm.
Stephan’s welcoming smile, warm compassion and lively sense of humour will be greatly missed, but always remembered – he will be forever part of ISAAC. To us we have lost a great friend and collaborator. To Epidemiology, we have lost a great scientist. Our hearts go out to his family.
The ISAAC Steering Committee