ISAAC Manuals

Phase Three

Phase Two

Phase One


Use of ISAAC Questionnaires by non-ISAAC Investigators

Non-ISAAC investigators are welcome to download and use the English language version of the ISAAC questionnaire for their own use. However, the source of the questionnaire should be acknowledged, and 'ISAAC' or ‘International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood’ must not be used in the title of any non-ISAAC publication. Please see the ISAAC Publications Policy for more details.


Use of ISAAC Translations by non-ISAAC Investigators

Translations of the ISAAC questionnaire are the intellectual property of those investigators that undertook the translation. Permission for non-ISAAC investigators to use these translations of the ISAAC questionnaire must be sought from The ISAAC International Data Centre (IIDC). All enquiries about the use of a translation made from the English version of the ISAAC questionnaire should be made to Philippa Ellwood ( who may or may not approve the use of these for non-ISAAC research. Guidelines for the translation of questionnaires can be found at Phases > Phase One > Translations and in the Phase Three manual.

For studies in non English speaking countries ISAAC Phase Three questionnaires have been translated into the following languages.

6-7 years:

Africa Asia-Pacific Eastern Mediterranean Indian Sub-Continent Latin America Northern and Eastern Europe Oceania Western Europe
Afrikaans Chinese Arabic Hindi Portuguese Albanian Polish Basque
North Sotho Indonesian Hebrew Kannada Spanish Bulgarian Russian Catalan
Japanese Maltese Malayalam Croatian Serbian Dutch
Korean Persian Marathi Estonian Swedish German
Malay Urdu Sinhala Georgian Uzbek Greek
Thai Tamil Hungarian Italian
Vietnamese Kyrgyz Portuguese
Lithuanian Spanish
Turkish (Translation used in Antwerp, Belgium)

13-14 years:

Africa Asia-Pacific Eastern Mediterranean Indian Sub-Continent Latin America Northern and Eastern Europe Oceania Western Europe
Afrikaans Chinese Arabic Hindi Portuguese Albanian Lithuanian Samoan Basque
Amharic Indonesian Maltese Kannada Spanish Bulgarian Macedonian Tokelau Dutch
French Japanese Persian Malayalam Croatian Polish Tongan French
North Sotho Korean Urdu Marathi Estonian Romanian German
Xhosa Malay Sinhala Finnish Russian Italian
Tagalog Tamil Georgian Serbian Portuguese
Thai Hungarian Swedish Spanish
Vietnamese Kyrgyz Uzbek