National Publications
The following publications used ISAAC data from France:
- Annesi-Maesano I, Oryszczyn MP, Lanteaume A, Berlier M, Kopferschmitt Kubler MC, Godard P. Prevalence and severity of allergic rhinitis in adolescents. Rev Mal Respir 1997; 14(suppl.4): 4S23-4S31 [in French].
- Charpin D, Annesi-Maesano I, Godard P, Kopferschmitt Kubler MC, Oryszczyn MP, Peray P, Quoix E, Raherison C, Taytard A, Vervloet D. ISAAC survey.General presentation of the survey.[in French]. Rev Mal Respir 1997; 14(suppl.4): 4S7-4S14.
- Daures JP, Raherison C, Annesi-Maesano I, Berlier A, Lanteaume A, Taytard A. Prevalence of asthma or signs suggestive of rhinitis in adolescents (13-14 years) in the ISAAC survey.[in French]. Rev Mal Respir 1997; 14(suppl.4): 4S41-4S46.
- Kopferschmitt Kubler MC, Nisand G, Raherison C, Tunon De Lara M, Taytard A, Pauli G. Rhinitis in 6-7 year-old children.The ISAAC survey.[in French]. Rev Mal Respir 1997; 14(suppl.4): 4S15-4S21.
- Quoix E, Hedelin G, Kopferschmitt Kubler MC, Berlier M, Charpin D, Pauli G, Groupe ISAAC France. Comparison between written and video questionnaires for assessment of asthma prevalence in adolescents.[in French]. Rev Mal Respir 1997; 14(suppl.4): 4S61-4S66.
- Raherison C, Tunon De Lara JM, Taytard A, Kopferschmitt Kubler MC, Quoix E, Pauli G. Prevalence of asthma in children.[in French]. Rev Mal Respir 1997; 14(suppl.4): 4S33-4S39.
- Annesi-Maesano I, Oryszczyn MP. Rhinitis in adolescents. Results of the ISAAC survey. Rev Fr Allergol Immunol Clin 1998; 38(4):283-289
- Charpin D, Annesi-Maesano I, Godard P, Kubler MCK, Oryszczyn MP, Ray P, Quoix E, Raherison C, Taytard A, Vervloet D. General description of the ISAAC study. Rev Fr Allergol Immunol Clin 1998; 38(4):275-282
- Koffi N, Aka J, Nigue L, Kouassi B, Ngom A, Amon-Dick F, Nibaud A, Fadiga A, Aka-Danguy E. Prévalence des maladies allergiques de l'enfant : résultants de l'enquête ISAAC - Côte d'Ivoire phase I.[French]. Rev Fr Allergol Immunol Clin 2000; 40(5):539-47.
- Pénard-Morand C, Raherison C, Kopferschmitt C, Caillaud D, Lavaud F, Charpin D, Bousquet J, Annesi-Maesano I. Prevalence of food allergy and its relationship to asthma and allergic rhinitis in schoolchildren. Allergy 2005; 60(9): 1165 - 1171
- Pénard-Morand C, Charpin D, Raherison C, Kopferschmitt C, Caillaud D , Lavaud F, and Annesi-Maesano I. Long-term exposure to background air pollution related to respiratory and allergic health in schoolchildren. Clin Exp Allergy 2005; 35(10): 1279–1287
- Annesi-Maesano I, Moreau D, Caillaud D, Lavaud F, Le Moullec Y, Taytard A, Pauli G, Charpin D. Residential proximity fine particles related to allergic sensitisation and asthma in primary school children Respir Med 2007; 101: 1721–1729
- Annesi-Maesano I, Caillaud D, Lavaud F, Moreau D, Le Moullec Y, Taytard A, Pauli G, Charpin D. Exposure to fine air particles and occurrence of allergic diseases: Results of ISAAC-France phase 2. Rev Fr Allergol Immunol Clin 2008; 48(6):427-433Oct
- Charpin D, Pénard-Morand C, Raherison C, Kopferschmitt C, Lavaud F, Caillaud D, Annesi-Maesano I. Long-term exposure to urban air pollution measured through a dispersion model and the risk of asthma and allergy in children Bull Acad Natl Med 2009; 193(6): 1317-1328
- Annesi-Maesano I, Caillaud D, Lavaud F, Moreau D, Le Moullec Y, Taytard A, Pauli G, Charpin D. Exposure to fine air particles and occurrence of allergic diseases: Results of ISAAC-France phase 2. Arch Pediatr 2009; 16(3):299-305.
- Randriamanantany ZA, Annesi-Maesano I, Moreau D, Raherison C, Charpin D, Kopferschmitt C, Lavaud F, Taytard A, De Blay F, Caillaud D. Alternaria sensitization and allergic rhinitis with or without asthma in the French Six Cities study Allergy 2010; 65: 368–375.
- Pénard-Morand C, Raherison C, Charpin D, Kopferschmitt C, Lavaud F, Caillaud D, Annesi-Maesano I. Long-term exposure to proximity air pollution and asthma and allergies in urban children Eur Respir J Jan 2010; 36(1): 33-40 Epub January
France, Western Europe
Centres: | Phase: | PI: | Age Groups |
Marseille | 1 | Professor Denis Charpin | 13-14 |
Montpellier | 1 | Professor Philippe Godard | 13-14 |
Pessac | 1 | Professor André Taytard | 13-14, 6-7 |
Strasbourg | 1 | Dr Christine Kopferschmitt-Kubler | 13-14 |
West Marne | 1 | Dr Isabella Annesi-Maesano | 13-14 |
Crétail | 2 | Dr Isabella Annesi-Maesano | 10-11 yrs. |
Dr Isabella Annesi-Maesano
Faculté de Médecine Pierre et Marie Curie
Site Saint-Antoine
27 rue Chaligny 75571
- National Coordinator for France
- Phase One Principal Investigator for West Marne
- Phase Two Principal Investigator for Crétail
Professor Denis Charpin

Service de Pneumologie-Allergologie
Hôpital Nord
- National Coordinator for France
- Phase One Principal Investigator for Marseille
ISAAC Phase One in France
Denis Charpin acted as the national coordinator for the French Phase 1 study and Isabella Annesi-Maesano for Phase 2.
Phase 1 was performed In France in 1993-1994. Five centers have been selected : Bordeaux, on the Atlantic coast, Créteil, near Paris, Reims, in the Champagne area, Strasbourg on the northeast border, and Marseille on the Mediterranean coast on the basis of these geographic locations, quite different climatic conditions and, of course, willingness to embark on a demanding survey. Overall, 8.697 children 6-7 years old and 18.555 children 13-14 years old have participated.
ISAAC has been the first national survey ever performed in France on asthma and allergy. Its results have been published in a supplement of the French review of respiratory diseases (Revue des maladies respiratoires) and the French « Bulletin épidémiologique hebdomadaire ». These results have clearly show to physicians, pharmaceuticals and the public that allergic diseases are by far the first chronic disease in childhood.