ISAAC Centres

The ISAAC collaboration has involved 306 research centres in 105 countries, which were grouped for organisational purposes into 9 regions. In addition to the regional co-ordinators, who are members of the ISAAC Steering Committee, many countries had a national ISAAC co-ordinator. The international Steering Committee which comprises of 26 scientists including clinicians, some from developing countries, oversees all aspects of the programme. Many of the Steering Committee members also have positions on or are advisors to other international bodies.

The Steering Committee meets yearly and the ISAAC Executive has a monthly telephone conference. As can be seen from the diagram, decisions from the Steering Committee are then passed from the Regional Coordinators to the National Coordinators, and then to the individual research centres. The International Data Centre receives data from the centres, as well as advising at all levels on methodology or other aspects of the programme.

This section of the ISAAC Story documents the contribution of each centre to the success of the worldwide initiative, and includes reflections and recollections of centre investigators, national co-ordinators and regional co-ordinators. Links are also provided to our gallery of ISAAC photographs.

Use the drop-down menus below to select contributions by region, country or centre. Where a centre has made a personalised contribution, the centre name appears in black; where the centre page contains the basic Data Centre information, the centre name is grey.


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ISAAC Organogram
Phase One Centres
Phase Two Centres
Phase Three Centres
All Centres