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National Publications

The following publications used ISAAC data from Finland:

  • Pekkanen J, Remes ST, Husman T, Lindberg M, Kajosaari M, Koivikko A, Soininen L. Prevalence of asthma symptoms in video and written questionnaires among children in four regions of Finland. Eur Respir J 1997; 10(8): 1787-94.
  • Remes ST, Korppi M, Kajosaari M, Koivikko A, Soininen L, Pekkanen J. Prevalence of allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis among children in four regions of Finland. Allergy 1998; 53(7): 682-689.
  • Remes ST, Pekkanen J, Soininen L, Kajosaari M, Husman T, Koivikko A. Does heredity modify the association between farming and allergy in children? Acta Paediatr.2002;91(11):1163-9.

Finland, Northern and Eastern Europe

Centres:Phase:PI:Age Groups
Helsinki1 Dr Merja Kajosaari 13-14
Kuopio County1 Dr Juha Pekkanen 13-14
Lappland Area1 Dr Leena Soininen 13-14
Turku and Pori County1 Dr Turku Antti Koivikko 13-14
Kuopio County3 Dr Juha Pekkanen 13-14

National Coordinator:


  • National Coordinator for Finland
  • Phase One Principal Investigator for Kuopio County
  • Phase Three Principal Investigator for Kuopio County

Dr Juha Pekkanen

Head, Department of Environmental Epidemiology
National Public Health Institute
KTL. P.O. Box 95
