Serbia and Montenegro flag

Map of Serbia and Montenegro with geographical position of Belgrade and location of other participating centers

National Publications

The following publications used ISAAC data from Serbia and Montenegro:

  • Živkovi? Z, Vukašinovi? Z, Cerovi? S, Radulovi? S, Živanovi? S, Pani? E, Hadnadjev M and Adžovi? O. Prevalence of childhood asthma and allergies in Serbia and Montenegro. World J Pediatr 2010; 6(4): 331-336 epub May

Serbia and Montenegro, Northern and Eastern Europe

Centres:Phase:PI:Age Groups
Belgrade3 Dr Zorica Zivkovic MD, Phd 13-14, 6-7
Nis3 Asst Professor Snezana Zivanovic 13-14, 6-7
Novi Sad3 Dr Mila Hadnadjev 13-14, 6-7
Podgorica3 Dr Omer Adzovic 13-14, 6-7
Sombor3 Dr Eva Panic 13-14, 6-7

National Coordinator:


  • National Coordinator for Serbia and Montenegro

Dr Zorica Zivkovic

Dr Zorica Zivkovic

Professor in Pediatrics American School of Medicine at Belgrade
Pediatric pulmonologist Children’s Hospital for Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis
Medical Center “Dr Dragisa Misovic”
Republic of Serbia


During the ISAAC Phase 3 Serbia and Montenegro consisted of one country. Currently, Serbia and Montenegro are two separate countries.

ISAAC Phase 3 is the largest and the most important epidemiological study on asthma and allergies in childhood in Serbia. Four Centers from Serbia were enrolled to study: Belgrade, Nis, Novi Sad, Sombor and one Center from Montenegro : Podgorica. Around 15000 children were recruited for the study and finally the results were obtained on approximately 13485 of children. Enormous number of colleagues, paediatricians, pulmonologists and allergologists were involved in the project, together with huge number of teachers, psychologists, medical assistants and caregivers. Having in mind the fact that we had no funds or financial support from the National, Local or Regional Authorities, the ISAAC Phase 3 has been the most successful feature of the enthusiasm and professional motivation.

For these 10 years we reported ISAAC Phase 3 protocol, methodology and results at national, international scientific meetings, published several articles in the national journals and just recently, the paper on prevalence of childhood asthma and allergies in Serbia and Montenegro has been published in World Journal of Pediatrics.

Citation from the article: Prevalence of Childhood asthma and Allergies in Serbia and Montenegro. World J Pediatr. 2010; 331-336. “In the 13 485 children from five study centers who responded to the questionnaire, the prevalence for childhood asthma ranged from 2.5% to 9.8%, for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (hay fever) from 4.6% to 21%, and for eczema from 8.2% to 17.2%. The prevalence of current wheezing was high in both age groups (16.5% and 12.4% respectively). In conclusion : The prevalence of asthma is higher in 6-7 years old school children in the urban and largest cities of Belgrade and Nis, and in 13-14 years old children in Podgorica. The prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in the school children of Serbia and Montenegro seems similar to that of other countries in Central and South-Eastern Europe."
