Ukraine flag

Ukraine, Northern and Eastern Europe

Centres:Phase:PI:Age Groups
Kharkiv1 Associate Professor Viktor Ognev 13-14, 6-7
Kharkiv3 Associate Professor Viktor Ognev 13-14, 6-7
Rural Kharkiv3 Associate Professor Viktor Ognev 13-14, 6-7

National Coordinator:


  • National Coordinator for Ukraine
  • Phase One Principal Investigator for Kharkiv
  • Phase Three Principal Investigator for Kharkiv, Rural Kharkiv

Associate Professor Viktor Ognev

Head, Department of Social Medicine
Organization and Economics of Public Health
Kharkov State Medical University
4 Lenin Avenue


Ukraine is a sovereign state in the Eastern Europe. In 1991 Ukraine declared itself an independent state.

  • Capital: the City of Kyiv.
  • Population: 47 million people.
  • Religions: Christianity, Islam.
  • Climate: moderate, an average temperature in January is -7°C and +23°C in June.
Ukraine stretches 893 kilometers from North to South and 1316 kilometers from West to East. Ukraine is situated in the middle latitudes and has outlets to the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. It occupies one of the first places among the European countries in area extent. Due to the favourable geographical position in the centre of Europe and divaricated network of air, railway, sea and automobile transport Ukraine is a transit country for passengers and freights from different states. Ukraine is one of the quietest and most stable among the former USSR countries. It is acknowledged as offering high quality of life. The Ukrainian nation is widely known for hospitality. The Ukrainians are always glad to welcome guests who feel here at home.


Kharkiv is the second largest city in Ukraine; its area is more than 300 km2. The city was founded in 1654. The population of the city is over 1.5 million people. In the city there is an international airport increasing a number of flights every year, railway and bus stations. A well-developed network of underground lines and other city transport (trolley buses, trams, buses, and taxis) provide transportation in the city. Kharkiv is a cultural centre. There are 10 theatres, concert halls, a city picture gallery, museums, about 80 libraries, art monuments, temples, a circus, the Chamber Music Hall, disco clubs. Kharkiv is a city of students. It takes

one of the leading places in Ukraine in the number of higher educational establishments (31). Today 300,000 students are trained in higher educational establishments, including 11,800 from more than 106 nations of the world. Every year more than 30,000 young specialists graduate from higher educational establishments in Kharkiv. Kharkiv is the leading scientific center of Ukraine. There are 3 Nobel Prize winners from Kharkiv scientific school:

  • Semen Abramovich Kuznets - in Economics;
  • Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov - in Physiology and Medicine;
  • Lev Davydovich Landau- in Physics.

Kharkiv National Medical University

Kharkiv National Medical University was the first higher medical educational institution in Ukraine.

  • The University was founded in 1805 as the Medical Faculty of Kharkiv Emperor University.
  • In 1920, the Medical Faculty was united with the Women's Medical Institute, and Kharkiv Medical Academy was organized.
  • In 1921, the Academy was renamed as Kharkiv Medical Institute.
  • In 1994, the Institute served as a base for establishing Kharkiv State Medical University.
  • Since 1998 the University has been a member of the International Association of Universities (under the aegis of UNESCO).
  • In 2007 the President of Ukraine issued the order to assign the National status to the University.
  • The Diploma of Kharkiv National Medical University is prestigious and recognized in many nations of the world. KhNMU is listed in the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) directory of medical schools.

Kharkiv National Medical University is worldwide known for high grade education. Due to favourable references of international educational and medical organizations and associations, the diploma of KhNMU is a reliable pledge of perspective career and prosperity for its graduates. Among foreign citizens who were our students there are outstanding personalities who have significantly succeeded as professionals. And this all began far in 1951 when 2 citizens of Czechoslovakia and 1 citizen of Poland came to study at Kharkiv Medical Institute and they were its first foreign graduates in 1957.

Over the next years, educational contacts of KhNMU have significantly expanded. Our University is continuously selected as a place of study by many foreign representatives.

Annually the University enrolls approximately 500 foreign citizens in the first year. The University is currently training more than 5,000 students, among them about 2,000 are foreign citizens from 60 nations including Bahrain, Belgium, China, Denmark, Germany, Israel, Jordan, India, Kenya, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Peru, Russia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, USA, and others. Foreign students study at the Faculty for Training Foreign Students, the Preparatory Department, or undergo the clinical postgraduate course.

About 6,000 specialists from 86 states of Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, Middle East have graduated from KhNMU since 1951. Among them there are 3 Doctors and 80 Candidates of Medical Science, more than 300 postgraduates.

Department of social medicine, organization and economic of Public Health service.

History Department of social medicine, organization and economic of Public Health service of Kharkiv National medical university began from 27 of October 1923 and this department was first in Ukraine. Minister of Public Health service of Ukraine M.G. Gurevich was the founder of the Department.

It were 5 Heads of Department during the department’s of social medicine, organization and economic of Public Health service work. There are: professor M.G. Gurevich (1923 – 1925), professor S.A. Tomilin (1925 – 1932), professor Z.A. Gurevich (1932 – 1974), professor N.A. Galicheva (1972 – 2002) and professor V.A. Ognev (from 2002 till now). The staff of teachers consist 16 persons. There are 3 professors (V.A. Ognev, N.A. Galicheva, K.M. Sokol), 3 vice professor and teachers. Many disciplines are studied by department. There are: History of medicine, Biostatistic, Public Health, Economy of Public Health. Over the years the department had issued 23 books, 5 textbooks and teaching aids, granted 8 patents. Since 1998, the Department is the national focal points of the international program "ISAAC" on the study of bronchial asthma in children in Ukraine. At the present stage of work the Department has taken part in international grant project "Intas", carrying the theme "Epidemiological study reproductive function of Ukraine's population, which is influenced by biologically persistent organochlorine compounds (dioxins) environment.