


Local Publications

The following publications used ISAAC data from the Recife centre:

  • De Britto MC, Bezerra PG, Ferreira OS, Maranhao IC, Trigueiro GA. Asthma prevalence in schoolchildren in a city in north-east Brazil. Ann Trop Paediatr.2000 Jun;20(2):95-100.
  • Solé D, Melo KC, Camelo-Nunes IC, Freitas LS, Britto M, Rosário NA, Jones M, Fischer GB, Naspitz CK. Changes in the prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases among Brazilian schoolchildren (13-14 years old): comparison between ISAAC Phases One and Three. J Trop Pediatr.2007 Feb;53(1):13-21.Epub Sep 2006.
  • Britto MCA, Bezerra P, Giovannino Ciccone M, Brito RCCM, Rego JC, Burity EF, Alves JGB. Asthma in schoolchildren from Recife, Brazil.Prevalence comparison: 1994-95 and 2002. J Pediatr (Rio J) 2004; 80(5):391-400.
  • Franco JM, Gurgel R, Sole D, França VL, Brabin B and the Brazilian Isaac Group. Socio-environmental conditions and geographical variability of asthma prevalence in Northeast Brazil Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 2009; 37(3):116-121
  • Brito RdCCM, da Silva GAP, Motta MEFA Brito MCA. The association of rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma symptoms in adolescents Rev Port Pneumol 2009; 15(4): 613-628

Recife Centre

Phase OnePhase TwoPhase Three View Centre Details
Centre:Recife, Brasil ( Latin America )
Principal Investigator:Dr Patricia Gomes M Bezerra
Age Groups:13-14, 6-7Timeframe:13-14yr:November 1994 to December 1995
6-7yr:November 1994 to November 1994
Sampling Frame:
Phase OneView Centre DetailsPhase TwoPhase Three
Centre:Recife, Brasil ( Latin America )
Principal Investigator:Dr Murilo de Britto
Age Groups:13-14Timeframe:September 2002 to December 2002
Sampling Frame:13-14yr: Public and private schools in the metropolitan region of Recife. The same sampling frame as Phase One.


Dr Patricia Gomes M Bezerra

Rua Sebastião Malta Arcoverde, 157



  • Phase One Principal Investigator for Recife

Dr Murilo de Britto

Rua dos Coelhos
300 Boa Vista


  • Phase Three Principal Investigator for Recife

Recife Centre

Founded in Recife, Brazil in 1960 by Fernando Figueira, the “Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira – IMIP" is philanthropic organization acting in health care, professional health education and research, directed especially to the poor communities of the State of Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil. The IMIP´s hospital was the first in Brazil to receive the title "Baby Friendly Hospital", awarded by the World Health Organization / UNICEF / Ministry of Health. The pediatric sector of IMIP performs more than 900 outpatient visits and 30,000 hospitalizations per month. The department of respiratory diseases performs about 400 outpatient visits a month, mostly asthmatics. It is the state referral center for cystic fibrosis and other paediatric pulmonary diseases of greater complexity.

ISAAC Project allowed, in a comparative way with other centers in Brazil and abroad, knowledge of the prevalence of asthma, rhinitis and other allergies in our region. It also allowed the development of research on risk factors, such as the relationship of asthma with poverty. In the population of Recife, consisting of individuals with high racial miscegenation and still high incidence of poverty and social inequality, the prevalence of symptoms of asthma and rhinitis in schoolchildren reach about 20%.
