
Lattakia, Syria

Lattakia, Syria

Local Publications

The following publications used ISAAC data from the Lattakia centre:

  • Mohammad Y, Tabbah K, Mohammad S, Yassine F, Clayton T and Hassan M. International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood: phase 3 in the Syrian Arab Republic. East Med Health J 2010; 16(7): 710-716

Lattakia Centre

Phase OnePhase TwoPhase Three
Centre:Lattakia, Syria ( Eastern Mediterranean )
Principal Investigator:Professor Yousser Mohammad
Age Groups:13-14, 6-7Timeframe:April 2001 to November 2002
Sampling Frame:13-14yr: Some schools from the city of Lattakia
6-7yr:Some schools of the wealthy part of the city and others of the lowest socio-economic level.


Professor Yousser Mohammad

Professor Yousser Mohammad

Head of Chest Diseases Division
Tishreen University
PO Box 1479



  • Phase Three Principal Investigator for Lattakia

Dr Fatima Yassine

Dr Fatima Yassine

Tishreen University



  • Phase Three collaborator for Lattakia

Why was this centre selected for ISAAC?

ISAAC phase three in Syria, was the first tool of its kind to help understanding the prevalence of asthma in schools. Results followed the national system of informing to all ministries. We had been informed by the newsletter of the IUATLD about the ISAAC phase three survey, we became very excited In Tishreen University to participate. The same in Tartous center. The University Council of Tishreen University approved the participation by ministerial decree.

Our experience of ISAAC

With Aleppo and Tartous we translated the questionnaire to Arabic, The president of the university wrote to the Director of Education in Lattakia governorate, who accepted the survey in schools. All school directors we glorified to see that their pupils participated to the survey. We did not have barriers, parents were very compliant too, they considered that we are helping their children. We took the occasion to add questions about passive smoking in utero to the Environmental Questionnaire.

In 2005 a national group for Education for asthma and COPD have been decreed by the Tishreen University collaborating with Ministry of Health, to help educate patients on Asthma and COPD. One of our activities was to visit schools and ask on classrooms if any have wheezing episodes or if any family member has it, it was surprising to see the number of positive responders not aware of the link between asthma and wheezing. As ISAAC researchers, we believe these questions could help to carry on early diagnosis campaigns.

We wanted to publish our results in a regional journal, we choose the Eastern Mediterranean health journal, the WHO Journal. We thought that it should inform health ministers and universities of the region about ISAAC, we looked on the Isaac website to learn about publications rules, we understood that we should contact the IIDC, fortunately Dr.Tadd Clayton helped us, it was for us very impressing to be helped by the ISAAC center in New Zealand, University of Auckland. Now we will circulate this article via official channels from the university to health and education authorities in Syria.

ISAAC results are the national reference for our post graduate students thesis
We think that it is worthy to develop a program in schools, screening questionnaire of ISAAC followed by visiting doctor.
