Chandigarh Centre

Phase OnePhase TwoPhase Three View Centre Details
Centre:Chandigarh, India ( Indian Sub-Continent )
Principal Investigator:Professor Lata Kumar
Age Groups:13-14, 6-7Timeframe:November 1994 to May 1995
Sampling Frame:
Phase OneView Centre DetailsPhase TwoPhase Three
Centre:Chandigarh, India ( Indian Sub-Continent )
Principal Investigator:Dr Meenu Singh
Age Groups:13-14Timeframe:August 2001 to January 2002
Sampling Frame:13-14yr: All schools in the Central area within the city limits of Chandigarh, the same sampling frame as Phase One.


Professor Lata Kumar

Professor Lata Kumar

Professor & Former Head
Department of Pediatrics
#1543, Sector 38-B



  • Phase One Principal Investigator for Chandigarh

Dr Meenu Singh

Dr Meenu Singh

Allergy and asthma Clinic
Postgraduate Institute o f Medical Education and Research



  • Phase Three Principal Investigator for Chandigarh

Chandigarh Centre

The Allergy and asthma Clinic was established in Postgraduate Institute o f Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh by Dr Lata Kumar. The centre has offered treatment facilities for thousands of children with asthma and allergic disorders. Community based epidemiological investigations and several studies on clinical and experimental aspects have been carried out in this centre. More than 9000 children are registered in this centre. Currently Dr Meenu Singh is looking after this clinic providing specialized services. Several studies funded by national agencies including a birth cohort study are in progress.


The ISAAC study has had a hypothesis generating impact on research in the Indian subcontinent. A task force to study the increasing prevalence of asthma in children was set up in India which also looked in to various protective influences responsible for lower prevalence of this disorder. Active research into environmental factors including aero allergens and food allergens is carried out.