
Dolomite mountains, Trento, Italy

Dolomite mountains, Trento, Italy

Trento Centre

Phase OnePhase TwoPhase Three View Centre Details
Centre:Trento, Italy ( Western Europe )
Principal Investigator:Dr Silvano Piffer
Age Groups:13-14Timeframe:
Sampling Frame:Province
Phase OneView Centre DetailsPhase TwoPhase Three
Centre:Trento, Italy ( Western Europe )
Principal Investigator:Dr Silvano Piffer
Age Groups:13-14, 6-7Timeframe:February 2002 to March 2002
Sampling Frame:All schools in Trento Province (the same as Phase One).


Mr Antonio Chistofolini

Servizio Medicina del Lavoro
Somial 1
Via Brennero, 286/6



  • Phase Three collaborator for Trento

Dr Silvano Piffer

Dr Silvano Piffer

Epidemiologist, Osservatorio Epidemiologico
Azienda Provinciale per I Servizi Sanitari
Centro per i Servizi Sanitari
Viale Verona, 38123 Trento


  • Phase One Principal Investigator for Trento
  • Phase Three Principal Investigator for Trento

Trentino Province Coordinator ISAAC II (Sidria 1) e ISAAC III (Sidria 2)

Trentino province (north Italy) was a partner of Italian network of ISAAC Phase One and Three. The name of the Italian network was SIDRIA 1 and SIDRIA 2 (Studi Italiani sui Disturbi Respiratori nell’Infanzia e l’Ambiente). SIDRIA 1 took place in 1995-96 and in Trentino province exclusively involved all boys/girls attending the third year of 2° primary school (13-14 year). SIDRIA 2 took place in 2001-2002 and in Trentino (as in other Italian SIDRIA/ISAAC centers) involved a sample of 6-7 years boys/girls and a sample of 13-14 years boys/girls.

Trentino province is a highly mountainous area, where People do not think there are some problems with asthma and allergies. The studies about allergies and asthma prevalence in the general population (adult and/or childhood) were so very scarce.

In SIDRIA 1 (1995-96) We studied 4426 subjects 13-14 years old. Not considering the publications of national data on Italian and international medical journals as SIDRIA Group, we locally spread the data, to general population and healthcare professionals, starting from 1997. A great interest has been raised especially by pediatricians and pneumologist who arranged for the first time data on asthma and allergy at the population level. The data of SIDRIA 1 were also used and presented during a refresher course for pediatrician held in Trento in 1998-99.

In SIDRIA 2 (2001-02) We studied a sample of 2.359 subjects 6-7 years old and a sample of 1362 subjects 13-14 years old. Not considering the publications of national data on Italian and international medical journals as SIDRIA Group (second Phase), we locally spread the data, to general population and healthcare professionals, starting from 2003. Locally the data of SIDRIA 2 were used jointly with Trento University (Mathematics Institute) for doing spatial evaluation in association or not with the distribution of environmental pollutants. A great interest has been raised especially by hygienist so that the data were also used for exploring the association to specified point source pollution. The data of SIDRIA 2 were also used and presented during a local refresher course for hygienist held in Trento, by the Local Health Authority, in 2004-2005.

Finally SIDRIA 1 and SIDRIA 2 represented a unique opportunity for Department of Epidemiology of Trento to explore and increase the knowledge about the theme of the epidemiology of asthma and allergies in childhood.


  • Total resident population: 520,000 (12.31.2009)
  • Provincie surface: 6,206,88 SqKm
  • Total Municipalities: 223
  • The province in highly mountainous
  • Habitats and nature reserve: about 30% total surface
  • Forests: about 50% d total surface
  • Unproductive area: 16 %
  • Urbanized area: 3.27%
Map of Trentino Dolomites (right) are the mountains for which the Province of Trento is well known in the world